It seems like kids these days want to grow up faster and faster, especially girls.  So the questions arises, how old should your daughter be before you allow her to wear make-up?

I am a mom to a wonderful son but no daughters.  I do, however, have a bunch of nieces.  My oldest niece is about to be twelve and she is already wanting to wear make-up.  My sister asked for my advice and her and I are on totally different sides.

Like I said before, I don't have any girls of my own but I am a female and have been twelve before.  My sister has nothing but girls.  She believes that twelve is just way too young.  She wants her kids to stay young for as long as possible.  She is leaning towards saying no.

I, on the other hand, think it is fine for her to start wearing make-up.  As long as she is taught how to wear it and the colors that fit her best.  Red lipstick at twelve, probably not.  But I see nothing wrong with a little eyeliner, maybe eyeshadow, and lip gloss.

I think by saying flat out 'no' will make her want to wear it more.  But if you help her pick out shades that match her natural tones and teach her what looks good and what doesn't will benefit you both in the long run.

So what do you think?  Is my sister right in thinking that twelve is too young, or am I right?  Is it ok to use make-up in moderation?  Please share your thoughts.

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