Miss Teen Delaware Is Doing A Sex Tape?
Well Miss Teen Delaware is just an inspiration to all the aspiring young models out there who have dreams of beauty pageants, and nightmares of having to do porn. But they do say any kind of publicity is good publicity! So is this sex tape going to help or hurt Miss Teen Delaware's beauty pageant and modeling career? Yeah I bet so.
Lets be honest, most of us have no idea who Miss Teen Delaware is, we don't know her name or even what she looks like. She's probably aware of that, and looking for some kind of shock factor to boost her fame, it's worked for Paris Hilton, Kim Kardashian and so many others, so she's just following in the foot steps of the greats ahead of her! (SARCASM!!!)
So, Melissa King, I wish you all the best! Your parents are going to be so proud of your decision and I can't wait to "stumble" upon your video. (SARCASM!!!)