I know it's hard to believe with how cold it's been lately in Amarillo, but baseball season isn't that far away. We'll get to watch our beloved Sod Poodles take the field and fight for a championship before you know it.

With all this in mind, things are starting to ramp up as they plan out for the season.

Among the exciting and unforgettable things some people get to do at the games? Well, throwing the first pitch comes to mind. That's always fun, even if you bomb it. Singing the national anthem?

Yeah, that's fun too if you have the chops to do it. However, it's not fun if you bomb that. Just ask several performers who didn't do well with it.

The Soddies want to kind of avoid that happening, so they're gearing up for auditions for you to sing the national anthem before a Sod Poodles game for the 2025 season.

Think you've got what it takes? Then be ready on March 8th from 10:30 am to 1:30 pm because that's when you'll be trying out at HODGETOWN for a chance to sing at one of the games this season.

Now, it's not just the national anthem you'll be trying out for. You'll be able to audition for a chance to sing "God Bless America" as well, so if you'd rather shoot your shot there, you can.

If you want to audition, you'll want to get yourself registered to do so here. Yes, they'll accept walk-up auditions, but they'll be on a first come, first serve basis. The only guaranteed auditions will be the ones that sign up.

If you are a soloist, duo, or trio you'll be able to tryout at the audition. If you're unable to attend the audition for any reason, you can actually submit a video audition by emailing them at VictoriaH@SodPoodles.com.

Good luck!

Josh Jung and the Frisco RoughRiders play in Amarillo at HODGETOWN

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