Ready for Your Garden? Is it Safe to Start Planting Now?
Here we are in spring. The weather is getting nicer. I am so ready. When we get a couple of really nice days out it seems we get spring fever. We want to move along as soon as we can.
I mean we want to take advantage of the old saying "April showers bring May flowers." Anytime we can get free moisture to help our flower beds or vegetable gardens the better, right?

So when is the best time to start planning our gardens? Can we go and run to Home Depot or Panhandle Greenhouses and start our purchasing of everything for outdoors yet? I mean again it is spring.
The answer is a simple yes and no. OK maybe not so simple. Yes, you can start planning your gardens. Yes you can even make a trip or two out to see what exactly you want to plant.
You can even start buying stuff. I mean especially if you are starting from seed. You can grab those and start the seedling process, indoors. You can even go as far as buy those vegetable plants. You can grab some flowers for your flower bed.
I would strongly recommend that you do not go out and plant any of them yet. I know it is tempting. I know you have spring fever. I know you are in a hurry to have the most beautiful flowers ever.
I understand that. I totally do. I have seen it time and time again that we get an unexpected overnight freeze. That freeze can end up killing everything you worked so hard to plant.
So as I see time and time again from weatherman here in Amarillo say to wait to plant. I always see to wait until at least May first. Oh and to be even safer go ahead and wait until after Mother's Day.
I know it is tempting. I understand. Oh and heck you may even get away with it one year. Just don't count on tempting those garden fairies. It's not something I would do too often.
Here is to a very prosperous garden season here in 2022.
Amarillo Botanical Gardens
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