Jubal calls a special bakery that does custom cakes and he has a peculiar request for a cake. The baker seems very hesitant to complete the order though, and you can probably figure out why.
Read more: http://www.brookeandjubalradio.com/onair/brooke-and-jubal-58006/phone-tap-bar-mitzvah-boob-cake-15821735/#ixzz4gsEKHCop
This morning as I arrived to the studios at 5am we were surprised with a package waiting for us at the front door that said "The Hacker Morning Show."
Anyone who knows me, knows that I have a huge sweet tooth! One major problem, I'm the only one in my house that likes sweets. :( So I have found the perfect solution, microwavable chocolate cake!
I gotta admit, this is an awesome idea, but I don't necessarily think it's going to make any difference. The state of Michigan is deploying "talking urinal cakes", you read that right!