Your pets are part of the family, and that means they deserve all the gifts they can get their paws on. Some of the gifts on our list make your life a little easier, and others are just plain fun for your furry friends.
A lot of people have been working from home for the past few months. We may see a start to returning to our normal offices. How does that sit with your pets? They have been used to having you home. Now you are being ripped away from them.
This may look fake but this is 100% real. This is the biggest pit bull I have ever seen in my life! This family dog rounds out to be the 3rd largest dog in the world. The family dog is name "Hulk." The family has no issue with Hulk playing with their toddler. The...
I recently became a cat lover, but If I had a loud snoring cat like this I honestly don't know how I'd handle it. Its enough that my pug snores very loud!
This must of taken a lot of practice and time. This pet owner trained his rabbit to bring him beer. The rabbit became so good at this special talent he built a beer cart for the rabbit! Some waitresses need to take some tips from this rabbit on customer service...Lo...
Need a little pick me up? This will get a smile on your face. This pet owner tickles his French Bull dog and the dog gets a kick out of it!
Credit: Marc Cora