Were You Shocked By The Surprise Lane Closing On Coulter Today Too?
Tragedy strikes again. If you're heading north on Coulter, you need to keep an eye out for a road closure. Namely the far right lane if you're wanting to turn right by ANB and then get on the access road to I-40.
Traffic Backed Up To A Standstill On Coulter.
Imagine my surprise when I turn right onto Coulter from 34th and see traffic backed up. Standing still. Moving only a car length or two at the time.
As I slowly made my happy way along Coulter, I was struck with absolute dismay. In the distance, was a "Road Work Ahead" sign.
That sign wasn't the bad news, but simply a taste of things to come. Soon it was replaced with a road closed sign. After that was a sign pointing to the east proclaiming that road work would be going for quite some time.
I Don't Know What's Worse, Western or Coulter?
On my way back through town from picking up my son, I had to take Western and go through our favorite intersection. As big a pain as 45th and Western is at the moment, and as much as I hate it, it isn't anywhere near as bad as work being done on the busy end of Coulter.
It may just be me, but it sure is starting to feel like there is more and more construction popping up. I recently had to travel on 34th and found that once again it had section covered in cones. Add whats happening on Western, today Coulter, the loop on the other end of Coulter, and I-40 together and it feels like I spend all of my time in a construction zone.
Hopefully soon all of these projects will be wrapped up.