Everyday is new experience with my son.  He always does things that freak me out.  Yesterday, he looked up to give me a kiss goodbye and I noticed he had something shoved up his nose.

As most of you know, I am a first time mom.  I have a four year old son and I'll admit it is a lot harder than I ever thought.  I am so protective over him and I tend to overreact a lot.  But yesterday he scared the living daylights out of me.

I went to drop him off at school and when I leaned down to give him a kiss goodbye, I noticed he had something in his nose.  At first I didn't think much of it.  I told him to come back to the car so that I could clean his nose.  Then I realized he had something shoved up his nose.

I asked him 'did you put something in your nose?'  He just looked up at me and smiled saying, 'yes, a dot.'  I was horrified.  I looked around and found a bobby pin.  Freaking out, I gently pulled the object out.  It was a small piece of hard plastic that looked like a rectangle.

I told him to never stick anything in his nose, mouth or ears ever!  I immediately called my mom who just laughed.  She said that kids do stuff like that so you always have to keep a watchful eye.  She then shared a story of my brother sticking pieces of crayons in his ears.

It didn't make me feel any better, but it made me think-how many kids do stuff like this?  Has your child ever stuck anything in their nose or ears?

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