Amarillo, you cease to amaze me sometimes. No really, you do. When we started at 7 am yesterday, I looked around that room and thought to myself, "I don't know if we're gonna make it".

Why I ever doubted it is beyond me. We all hopped on the air and started talking about all the things we still needed to get in the building. It was almost overwhelming.

I began looking for ways to convey how I felt. I almost felt defeated to be honest. This is the third year we've done this event, and I felt like we were really starting behind the proverbial eight-ball this morning.

Then it happened. Right around 10 am, cars slowly started to roll in. One by one, a couple bags of stuff here, a few more bags there. The room suddenly became active. Several of us unpacking these bags and getting them to their respective nonprofit organization.

The weight starting to lift of my shoulders a bit, breathing a little easier because YOU were coming through in the clutch. Nothing however could've prepared me for what happened not long after noon.

A big white truck pulls up, two people get out of the car, the flatbed revealed. Inside the back of this truck? Everything we'd been asking for all day long.

It was full. Top to bottom, front to back, and side to side. We all began to start unloading this amazing gift. Once we finally grabbed the final thing out of the back, we began thanking this couple profusely.

They weren't done. The doors to the backseat of the truck open up and reveal even more. Howell Automotive...thank you a million times over.

Shortly after we get that haul divvied out, another truck rolls up. This particular truck had stopped by a bit earlier in the day to peruse the list and speak directly with us to see what we were short on. Inside this truck? Exactly those items, and not a small amount of them.

Even after that truck, the cars were flowing through the parking lot just dropping off bags to us. Now? That room looks like we just wrapped up Sunday out here, and it's truly amazing. But we can't stop now.

Why? We've got one more day to go, and we are still short on so many other items. Children's clothing and children's books are at the top of the list to get in here. The clothing has to be new with tags, but there are so many places you can find these items cheap. Walmart comes to mind.

We need twin and full size bedding sheet sets, some office supplies, and a few other small electronics items. We are SO close to completing this entire list, something I didn't view as possible yesterday. So let's knock it out and do it together. Your list is waiting right here.

There's no way we can do it without you Amarillo. Let's finish this thing strong...together.

LOOK: Holiday gift crazes and fads of the past century

Stacker compiled a list of toy crazes from the past 100 years. 

Gallery Credit: Jennnifer Billock

LOOK: 25 over-the-top Christmas displays from across America

To help get everyone in the mood for the upcoming holiday season, Stacker compiled a list of some of the most over-the-top Christmas displays across America.

Gallery Credit: Annalise Mantz & Madison Troyer

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