Over the weekend we took my son out for his birthday dinner and I couldn't help but notice this family across from us.  Everyone of them were on their cell phone, talking, texting or doing whatever.  So I started thinking, is it a little rude to be on your phone at dinner?

My family and I use dinner time to talk and catch up on everything that is going on.  When we sit down for dinner, cell phones are left in the other room and if the home phone rings, we just let it ring.  With our schedules being so hectic, dinner time is our daily family time.

So when I saw every member of the family on their cells and not talking, I felt a little sad.  Maybe it is just me, but I feel like that is sad to not want to talk to each other.  But I also found it a little rude.  If my son was on his phone at dinner, I would be offended.

Now, I understand that it is very common for every member of the family to have their own cell phone.  I also understand that sometimes it is unavoidable.  But I'm I the only one who thinks this is rude?

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