One of the things I love about Amarillo is our choices when it comes to going out to eat? I mean we have just about any type of food. You want Mexican food. We have you covered.
When it comes to trick-or-treating, or trunk-or-treating, or carnivals etc., our kids get a ton of Halloween candy. Let's face it, some of it is amazing, some of it not so much. What is the best and worst Halloween candy?
Halloween is coming up soon and you have to get prepared. You have to have the best Halloween Candy. Of course you save the chocolate for yourself. Candy is a huge part of this holiday. I mean, why else would you go trick or treating? For the candy!
I was having a conversation the other day about Allsup's Burritos. If you grew up in the surrounding Amarillo area (Amarillo doesn't have Allsup's, which makes me sad), then you probably grew up on the deliciousness of the Allsup's Burrito (and the chimi, but today we are focusing on the burrito).