What excuse have you used to get out of jury duty? There is a 54-year-old man in Ireland who found a way out of jury duty. Also, when do you open up Christmas gifts?
This judge was not impressed with this inmate at all! 30-year-old Calvin Lloyd Griffith was in court for allegedly stealing a car out of the parking lot of a high school in Miami, Florida.
This judge was not afraid of putting this public defender in his place. He also wasn't scared of telling him if he had a problem they could take it out back and handle it like real men. The judge and public defender went out back and duked it out. You
I've seen fights and arguments happen in court before. But this a first! Lady starts to humm out loud just to control her anger... and then she starts to sing!!! This is pretty funny and I'd rather see more of this happen then fights breaking out...