It hasn't been long since the city of Amarillo passed the law banning cell phone usage while driving.  This will help eliminate some accidents, but I find that there are other things just as dangerous, like applying make-up while driving.

Not a day has gone by that I do not witness at least one person putting on make-up while driving.  And I'll admit in the past I have done it too.  I find that this is extremely more dangerous than talking on a cell phone.

Picture this:  you are running late for work so you decide to put on your make-up on the way.  You have your mascara out and are applying it, when the car in front of you slams on their breaks.  There you go, crashing into the back and your mascara brush goes right in your eye.  Not only have you crashed your car, but you have caused severe damage to your eye.

Sounds pretty awful, right?  Not only are you taking your eyes and one of your hands off the road, but you are putting yourself and others in danger.

So what do you think is more dangerous-cell phones or make-up?

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